Back to School Registration & Online Forms
Welcome to the new school year! Parents/Guardians will fill out student's back-to-school forms online using the PowerSchool Parent Portal. The forms are easy to complete and all data is protected and secure. Back-to-School Registration is the annual verification of information about your student. It’s when you provide emergency contact information, update contacts, and confirm permissions. Parents or Guardians must complete the registration forms at the start of each school year for all students who are returning to Northumberland Schools.
For parents/guardians that are not able to access online forms, please call the school to schedule a time to use the computer lab.
STEPS for Completing the Back-to-School Registration Forms:
Parents can complete Back-to-School Registration on the PowerSchool Mobile App or by visiting the website at
If you have more than one child in Northumberland, you will need to repeat the registration forms for each child. After you have completed the registration forms for your first child, return to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and click the name of the next child you wish to register. If you need to link another child to your account, you may do so through the Account Preferences link in the navigation menu. Please contact the school registrar if you need help.
1) Sign In to your Parent Portal account. Visit the PowerSchool Parent Portal from a computer or use the PowerSchool Mobile App on your phone. If you forgot your username or password, you can recover your account using the following link:
2) Click on Forms, then select the Enrollment tab. From the mobile app, you can find Forms under Options.
3) You will see a list of the forms that need to be completed. All Empty forms must be Submitted. You can save your progress and continue at another time if needed. Complete the forms for each student.
A) Student Demographic Review: (Review & request changes if needed)
B) Student Contacts Update: (Review & request changes if needed)
C) Permissions/Agreements
D) Transportation Request Form
4) Once the forms are submitted, the registrar will review any request changes and update the student record in PowerSchool.
NOTE: The Student Demographic Review and Student Contacts Update forms are VIEW-ONLY. Parents will review the information on the form, then use the text box to request any changes that need to be made.